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..traces left on one April 7, 2020 03:17
Hand by Hand into the Reality Shifts.
“(...) thanks to witnessing so many reality shifts on such an ongoing, regular basis, it is just about impossible for me to view the world we live in as consisting of one material, objective reality.
I now view reality as magical in the miraculous sense, in which sentient beings such as ourselves are engaged in conversation with the Cosmos at the deepest levels and core of our existence.
As we choose to become more of what we most treasure and value, we can witness how we can be of greater and higher service than we've ever before imagined.” (Cynthia Sue Larson)
We are living during interesting times where quantum mechanics becomes more and more in vogue - which I still find surprising, given that not so long ago it had been still more of a hermetic matter reserved for theoretical physicists and with no seemingly recognized application into everyday life, let alone humans’ spiritual growth (!).
But things have changed. Nowadays quantum matter more and more often catches even the mainstream media headlines. Quantum teleportation, quantum accumulator, quantum computers, quantum supremacy... more and more quantum buzzwords (or ideas to apply in everyday life) make the whole thing pretty close to an ordinary part of our reality, finally liberated from the fetters of science-fiction (although it’s not so certain will we find quantum a signifiant improvement - or our own salvation).
“(....) tomorrow’s technology (such as quantum computers) will be counting on what was considered to be quantum weirdness just yesterday.” (Cynthia Sue Larson)
The book I’m going to address, has to do with this matter seen from yet another, surprising angle of... consciousness. This contemporary physics’ pet peeve definitely doesn’t let itself to remain ignored, among other things surprisingly emerging from the XXI century ‘Christmas gifts’ for humanity :) . Who would expect such a turn in science, which brings the spiritual to the foreground of our attention, maybe once and for all, finally?
One day while listening to Howard Hughes’s The Unexplained podcast I found myself especially surprised. The guest was about to speak on so-called reality shifts (which initially I found a modern version of the Law of Attraction). She described many examples of something which resembles influencing reality solely with Your will and intention; she mentioned that she’s still retaining memories from the time before this lifetime (in-between lives). It seems no surprise that she is an author of several books on the matter, which sole titles may be associated with spiritually/esoterically-driven self-help genre. But the real surprise has come when You learn that she has also a tangible scientific background (e.g., a degree in Physics from UC Berkeley).
Cynthia: - I’ve got the blessing of some of my physics professors for a lot of what I am doing and for the books that I’ve written.
Howard: - You said that You had the support and the approval of Your colleagues in science, many of them.
Cynthia: - That’s correct (...) in some cases they may not fully appreciate every aspect of what I’m talking about because remind You quite a bit of what I cover is rather cutting edge.
(The Unexplained)
This was definitely something I didn’t expect. I think there is still a strong need for mainstream-associated people to come out with a message which previously had been spread mostly by the ones who were outside of the academia, therefore not being influenced and confined by it. Fortunately it seems that there is an increasing number of such people (like Howard Hughes I’ve mentioned, who himself origins from the very mainstream background, or a neurosurgeon Eben Alexander with his out-of-the-body experience). This time, however, is even more interesting due to a range of the matter involved.
A contemporary Secret would be... quantum.
The first time I learned that so-called Law of Attraction may have its reflection within the quantum mechanics, it was definitely surprising. I hadn’t expected quanta speaking esoterically ;) . I didn’t expect that such an almost metaphysical concept may emerge out of physics itself, however spooky ;) . It definitely impressed me back in the days of early 2000’s (the documentaries What the Bleep Do We Know!? and The Secret had been published in 2004 and 2006). Almost two decades later, however, I’ve discovered Howard’s guest mentioned above: Cynthia Sue Larson. Apart from the surprise regarding her scientific background, there is yet another one: she had written a solid piece of work on the matter years before What the Bleep... (!). And, if You take a closer look on her website, You will find out that there is a whole universe over the subject, gathered throughout years of experience: a content-rich blog with the archive reaching 2011, a monthly RealityShifters e-zin published since 1999 (!), a podcast (since 2015), and a handful of other books of hers. All of that may give You a solid feeling that this is definitely serious, in-depth knowledge, which has been out there from decades (!). For me this is a new discovery, yet I am still feeling a little bit strange with the awareness how long ago, say, the Reality Shifts book has been published.
What was my motivation to read this book?
Although I’ve been already familiar with the Howard’s interview with Cynthia, I still was curious of her approach on reality shifts performed intentionally. “If she had written a whole book on this,” I thought, “odds are well that this is a more in-depth piece of knowledge - instead of potentially irritating generalizations”. Now I am extremely happy to say that I’ve read the book, or, to be more precise, I listened to it - thanks to courtesy of the author herself I was able to reach the book both in a text and audio form, which significantly enriched the reading experience, due to Cynthia’s unique timbre and voice manner, the same which can be heard during the Howard’s podcast (before I began to read I was wondering if indeed the same characteristics will be present in its audio form). What is so special about the voice? I find it tangibly pleasant, fresh (if not refreshing) and friendly. It became even more obvious in case of the book where, thanks to this voice, You may feel like the author is Your close friend who cares about You and wants to share her life wisdom with You, for You Yourself to take advantage of it. Although Cynthia participates in a common desire to better the whole world, You may definitely feel like the book would be a (voice) letter from someone who cares on You personally, and wants to do as much as possible for You to get the message to the highest possible degree, in the easy-to-comprehend way. This was one of the things which impressed me most: that trait of a close friend or even a parent who is telling all of this valuable message lovingly and sincerely to their own child (although it’s far from being childish or too simplified - it’s amazing how well the author had managed to reconcile a comprehensive approach with a bunch of serious topics many might find complicated otherwise; no scientific gobbledygook involved). In this regard I could almost put Reality Shifts among books like Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland or The Wonderful Wizard of Oz - but this time I’m happy to say that a fairytale is coming true.
Let’s go back to the late 90’ies...
It was a sunny spring day she usually met with her friends on a weekend brunch - the right day to finally unveil the secret. Of course she knew that it could be to-no-avail action due to most people do not believe such things exist, while it seems to be necessary to be open-minded and allowing the possibility for such a phenomena to happen, but... she needed to finally tell someone else about what’s going on. At this point she had recognized enough amount of cases to ensure that it’s not a sole imagination - she just couldn’t treat them as a fiction anymore, while they remain provokingly confronting before her very eyes, for so long. There are simply too many of them and she felt an urgent need to talk about it. Jan and Cliff seem to fit this need perfectly, as they themselves were participating in one of those things (not being even aware of that, though).
Intentionally or not, as soon as they left the restaurant near the Berkeley Marina, they directed toward the pier, one of the ‘magical’ routes on which one of ‘those things’ usually happen. As usual, she had a quick look on the ten foot tall concrete sculpture of a sundial, gracefully laying in a central location. She knew that her friends won’t see it, perhaps this is yet another topic to address. “Why there is no trace of this every time we’re here together?,” she could have thought once again. But then one friend asked: “Do either of you recall ever seeing that statue here before?”. It seems that this is the first time when both her friends finally have seen the sculpture, which till today remained invisible to them. What a coincidence, or the Universe has just supported her will to share the knowledge? Perhaps on a much broader scale than with those two.
“The idea of writing books with an intention to make a positive difference in the world is something near and dear to my heart as a writer (...).” (Cynthia Sue Larson)
I asked Cynthia in what exact forms she would see this positive difference come true.
“My fondest dreams would be that people could widen their peripheral imaginal vision to encompass greater range of possibilities than most people currently believe to be true. When we recognize that we are living in a participatory universe, such as physicist John Archibald Wheeler described, then we can realize that our every choice and decision establishes the basis by which we make observations, which in turn change the world.
Wheeler coined the terms and phrases: black hole, wormhole, quantum foam, and ‘it from bit’, yet his participatory anthropic principle was considered rather too controversial at the time it was proposed. We now see evidence in reality shifts, quantum jumps and the Mandela Effect that conscious observers are required to cause the collapse of the quantum wave function resulting in particular physical reality, not just bits and pieces bouncing into each other. I most dearly wish that people would understand that we have the capability, by focusing and aligning all levels of our observational consciousness, to experience living in an optimal world. Such focus and alignment requires individual focus of concentration and meditative practice, as well as inner growth - so learning how to do this thus becomes more of an individual spiritual practice than a simple formula or recipe that all people can easily follow.”
What is all about?
What I find interesting is that the book resembles neither a classic self-help literature, nor a strictly scientific work. One might rather call it “a friendly introduction to the reality shifts concept”. I’ve already mentioned its characteristic a-letter-from-Your-Close-Friend tone, which You can pick up both from a sole text and the author’s voice. As if You might received such a letter, it consists not only the main subject rendered within the title, but a variety of life wisdom gathered around it “by the way”. I really love this particular trait and diversity.
But before I’ll tell You a little bit more about it, let’s go back to the core matter of reality shifts.
For years I’ve been a keen fan of “the attraction approach”, in which one attracts things and opportunities, based on their thoughts and, even more importantly, emotions. Over the time, however, I’ve changed the way I perceive the whole thing. This was due to two reasons. First of all, I felt more and more (on the Inner Voice basis) that the attraction approach is not precise enough as a means of explaining the process or the relation between a conscious being and their reality. Second, I felt an underlying discomfort of the attracting as such: the very term ‘attracting’ seems to imply incorporating some force toward the current form of reality which already exists in front of Your eyes and, as such, has been already defined. So in other words, if You’re up to attracting something - You’re beginning a kind of a rope pulling.
Therefore attracting had been replaced within my mind with something You might call ‘travelling through realities’. In this concept You have an infinite amount of realities - and Yourself, who are constantly travelling through them by tuning in, so to speak, via the same thoughts-emotions-mentality set.
Note, however, that in this concept one neither modifies their current reality in any way nor creates another one. I am happy to find a similar approach within the book:
“Parallel universes help explain reality shifts, which appear as a leap in consciousness from one universe to another (...).” (Cynthia Sue Larson)
Does it mean, however, that the Author Herself shares this ‘travelling’ interpretation of what lies behind the scenes of reality shifting? I asked Cynthia how does she perceive the reality shift concept - as one which has more to do with:
- Modifying a reality which already exists, by so-called ‘attracting’ (in this scenario one never leaves their reality - they just shapes it).
- Creating realities (a new reality is brought to life on the basis of one’s intention; in this scenario one leaves their current reality every time they wants to change it).
- Attracting realities. There is an endless amount of realities, one attracts a reality corresponding to their vibration (like ‘tuning in’). This scenario might be called ‘travelling through realities’.
“The short answer would be ‘traveling through realities’, with a sense of oneself being independent from any particular physical reality, but rather identifying with what might be considered to be a spiritual or energetic or pure consciousness conceptualization of self.
Whichever way we view the concept of mind-matter interaction, the crux of the issue must ever and always depend upon the seemingly implicitly understood idea of self. This assumption that we know who we are is seemingly obvious, and most people would likely not consider it worthy of contemplation, yet nothing could be further from the truth. In order to truly grasp what is happening when reality shifts or when we initiate some kind of quantum jump, it is absolutely necessary to first comprehend what level of self we are operating with. Because there exist levels of self within the concept of realizing that one is pure energy-pure spirit-pure consciousness.”
Note that the travelling approach is significantly wider in implications because it doesn’t change only the way You define ‘reality’ - it changes the definition of ‘You’ as well. If You take a closer look on this approach You’ll realize that first and foremost it has to do with “a leap in consciousness”, not the physical person of You. You are not travelling through sole multiple realities, You are also travelling through multiple You’s (!). Or in other words, ‘a reality’ consists not only of everything which is around You, but also includes You as a physical human being (i.a., Your body) - so while “visiting” various realities You are constantly ‘visit’ also various corresponding versions of You.
As a result Reality Shifts acts not only as a guide on how to improve Your life - but it also significantly broadens Your consciousness, and it does so behind the scenes :) . To put it differently: thanks to this book You may literally change the way not only how You’ve perceived the reality around You - but also the way how You’ve perceived who You are. Now it becomes much easier to comprehend consciousness as a primary essential definition of Yourself.
Life wisdom.
I’ve already mentioned that Reality Shifts goes beyond its core matter encompassed within the title. It was a nice surprise, though, thanks to which it may be much easier to digest the book’s main message.
Let’s take a closer look on this “side-note wisdom”. It consists both of general truths on life and a handful of interesting digressions. All of those make up a diversified set of topics, which nicely remind me of other personal and spiritual growth authors I highly value (such as Dale Carnegie, Joseph Murphy, Bruce Moen, Neale Donald Walsch, You name it). The quotes below are examples of snippets which definitely rang a bell for me while reading:
“(...) only when we openly approach others as equals and friends can we be heard ourselves.” (Cynthia Sue Larson)
To this day it amazes me how much of a difference such a switch within one’s perspective can make. It resembles to me a great and timeless wisdom of Dale Carnegie’s How To Win Friends And Influence People, for example. Another case of a similar wisdom puts an even stronger emphasis on the matter, and was shared by someone for whom it was the most important advice they received in their life. It goes:
“In any conversation, the most important thing is to validate the other person’s side of things first.”
Another side-wisdom of the book:
“We may or may not be able to control what others do, but we can always control how we respond to what is going on around us.” (Cynthia Sue Larson)
In short, I find it a useful reminder that it doesn’t pay off to take the burden of dependency on how other people think. Moreover, if You allow Yourself even a partial such a dependency, most likely it may give You a lot of stress and other painful experiences. For those who are used to live like that, however, it may be a refreshing realization that it doesn’t have to be that way, and in fact, that it doesn’t seem to be reasonable at all. One can find a great relief within themselves, being able to recognize where the true area of positive influence lays.
This is such a piece of advice which I’d love to see parents handing to their children. Surprisingly enough, decades passed by and I still need to remind this truth to myself every now and then (!).
“Usually, the most powerful thing to change our beliefs is the shock of actual experience (...).” (Cynthia Sue Larson)
Thanks to Bruce Moen’s books I am already familiar with this core truth about the evolution of one’s beliefs which sometimes may require an experience strong enough to shake one’s current status quo and, finally, change it. To this day I vividly remember how intense and impactful the process had been in Bruce’s case. He referred to it as an ‘identity crisis’ or a ‘Belief System Crash’ and described it in-details in one of his books, The Afterlife Knowledge Guidebook:
“That experience greatly conflicted with beliefs I held (...). I (...) was forced to accept that experience as real.” (Bruce Moen)
“What had always stopped me before was that I never fully believed it was possible or real.” (Bruce Moen, Voyages Beyond Doubt)
If You don’t know Bruce, he had written several books on exploring ‘the Afterlife’ (the spiritual plan). Like the Reality Shifts author, he also stumbled upon an experience which left him no place to refuse to accept a totally new understanding of reality. (btw, there is yet another parallel to Bruce: one of my favorite anecdotes from Reality Shifts, the one about unicorns and lavender :) - a very similar story You can find in the Bruce’s Voyages into the Unknown, in which it also has played a significant role as an ultimate trigger, so to speak).
“When you understand and believe that everything can talk with you and hear you, you'll be amazed at how true this is.” (Cynthia Sue Larson)
Reality shift concept is not only about changing realities - it’s about “listening to them”.
When I think about it, it becomes more and more like a journey into the rabbit hole. Now phrases like “lucid living” or “living in a dream” gain more sense. It is so due to that the more You explore reality shift concept, the more You learn a new way of perceiving the world around You, both material and non-material one (circumstances). In the reality shift concept reality as such gains a new dimension, new meaning: it becomes organically responsive to Your thoughts, feelings and beliefs. This resembles a mirror which reflects You Yourself, Your Inner World - but instead of a picture displayed on a sheet of glass You perceive the whole world around You, which can communicate with You through many of its aspects, both material and non-material ones. For some of us this is a God talking with us constantly, while others call it ‘the Universe’. Whatever the labelling, it changes the way we are used to perceive reality as such: from the solid objective concept we are subjected to, to the very personal matter, dedicated to each individual. This is why “living in a dream” makes more sense: because with this new comprehension there is no more 100% objective reality existing outside of us ourselves with a life of its own (!). Now it rather resembles a dream which looks a bit more authentic than ordinary dreams at night - but, still, a dream.
“The sense of living a waking dream comes from an awakened sense of constantly engaging in ongoing communication with 'the outside world,' such that whatever thoughts and feelings we might have are aligned with concurrent and unfolding ‘outside events’. Much as one might learn to awaken with dreams and thus experience lucid dreaming, we can also awaken within daily life and experience lucid living, where we can see evidence of our thoughts and feelings having causal effect in the physical world.” (Cynthia Sue Larson)
Other insights.
Meditation tamed.
Back in the days I perceived meditation as another knowledge to gain, a completely new and supposedly mysterious territory to explore. But over the time I realized that a characteristic state of mind involved in the practice had not been quite new to me - that I’ve been already pretty well accustomed to it, performing it spontaneously and without a second thought, not labelling the state as ‘meditation’, though.
The key realization here was that we all probably attain a meditative state naturally and frequently, whether we are aware of it or not. And now, in case You’d like to learn how to meditate, once You realize that You’ve already (kind of) meditated, many times, may facilitate Your “first steps” in this matter (not being the “first” per se).
How come one could meditate without even being aware of that?
“Everyone naturally meditates when gazing off at the horizon for several minutes, playing a computer game, or washing dishes. There are many ways to meditate, and they all help us experience a simultaneously relaxed and alert state.” (Cynthia Sue Larson)
“Meditation is not as hard as you might think. Any time you enjoy the space between your thoughts, such as when gazing out off into the distance at leaves rustling in the breeze, or clouds floating by in the sky, you are in a meditative state of mind.” (Cynthia Sue Larson)
I’m happy that Cynthia pointed this out, thanks to which I believe meditation becomes much more available for everyone considering learning it. There is also, however, another important role of meditation as such: in the context of reality shifts You may find it a very favorable state for You to switch realities (!):
“Reality shifts occur when we are in a dreamy state of energized awareness in which we are clear about what we prefer.” (Cynthia Sue Larson)
I asked Cynthia on more details regarding this concept:
“The ‘dreamy state’ is analogous to the very slow theta brain wave state, which can feel very dream like. This state of mind is associated with being in a deep state of reverie, with access to a great deal more information than usual, without much conscious effort. This dreamy state of mind is conducive to generation of new creative ideas, accelerated learning, and deep relaxation. While experienced meditators can easily drop into a theta state of mind, non-meditators typically experience this state of consciousness just before falling asleep, or in the moments when awakening before one is fully alert and consciously awake. Anyone can learn to enter into a theta state of mind through practicing deep breathing, and relaxation.”
A surprising application of reality shift: healing.
It seems that most often what we’d like to achieve through the Law of Attraction, the Power of Subconscious Mind, Reality Shifts or yet another similar concept - is to improve our life, circumstances, etc. Have Your ever considered, however, that it can be harnessed also regarding our own health - or health of the ones close to us? In her book, Cynthia decided to address this particular area of reality shift application in a little bit more in-depth manner. What I find especially interesting is that now You can look at this from a fresh new angle, in which “healing” may not necessarily be taken literally. While You can still practice some well-described and predictable methods of remote empathizing with the patient, and then sending them healing energy - the overall message of the book may inspire You to see the whole process in a rather different way: not as a healing, but rather as a shifting reality to the one in which the one You care about is much better now.
Once You know how diversified (and, therefore, even more interesting) the book is, let’s talk about
General impressions.
I’ve already described a friendly manner which characterizes the book - thanks to which a reader may feel like receiving a long letter from their close friend. It feels like Your Friend does their best to convey everything worth handing down to You, all the important stuff, like all the key wisdom they might want to give You at one of the key points of Your life.
This trait is reinforced by examples of the author’s own life, put alongside each chapter. Therefore You’ll find many anecdotes which nicely illustrate matters described in the book - thanks to which it’s much easier to grasp uncanny concepts the work consists of, let alone the message itself becomes much more convincing. On top of that, You can do Your own research through content-rich author’s website, e-zin, podcast and blog, which altogether make the thing even more genuine. I’m not sure if the book is the essence of the matter covered there - or just a tip of an iceberg ;) .
Another thing is the way the book is constructed - You’ll find that each chapter consists of three parts: first, the introduction or description of the particular topic, second, life examples mentioned just a moment ago, and third, exercises recommended by the author for You to gain some practice or acquaintance with the matter. The whole construction becomes predictable during the reading, which You may find another facilitating factor to get Your feet on the ladder.
Any confusion?
There are two things which I find confusing. First is the application of quantum mechanics into experiments of a macro-scale nature. Second is using quantum mechanics as almost an universal way to explain a whole range of paranormal phenomena (such as clairvoyance, precognitions, bilocation). On one hand it seems logical to me that from the microscopic realm of the quanta a macroscopic reality can emerge (in a form of an observer-dependent “slide” out of the whole deck of endless possibilities - so-called superposition of states). On the other hand, however, I wouldn’t be so eager to see quantum mechanics as the source of precognition phenomena, for example. There are several things of a quantum-like nature, You might say - for instance, a unique bond between twins, potentially explained by the quantum entanglement. But remember what seems to be the main factor behind the scenes, determining which reality in fact will emerge out of endless possibilities: consciousness. Quanta, in this regard, are not the primary force behind the scenes of reality - they are just tools, a vehicle to carry a consciousness’s will. But then I get the impression that several of quantum characteristics are taken out of the box and considered as independent phenomena of life of their own (like quantum entanglement mentioned above, considered as the origin of non-local bond between twins). I think that to some degree macroscopic world indeed can be explained down to the microscopic quantum, but it seems to me that one should be especially careful to eagerly attribute yet another thing or phenomenon to quantum mechanics. Being too eager in that, we would lost our soul, so to speak - the conscious factor which should be always considered the original, primary force behind all the consecutive layers of reality. Ask Yourself, what drives the reality: quanta (sole mechanics) or consciousness (soul)? If we take the mechanical approach, a soul seems to be unnecessary to explain the reality - because sole particles could do, however small and however ephemeral, but still, particles.
In other words, I lean toward the approach in which, once we’ve recognized a key role of consciousness regarding all the quantum around it, we should always remember that no action will be taken without it (or to put it yet another way: that without conscious observer nothing can emerge out of superposition of states).
So, still, it seems that material-spiritual dilemma is not over yet.
Cherries on the top.
At this point, as a curiosity I’d like to give “an honorable mention” to the pieces of the book I especially love and am enthralled by. I won’t describe them in details for You to have a pleasant surprise :) .
My #1 here are two anecdotes: one on sand crabs and the other about unicorns... *.*
When I’ve read the one about crabs, it was much much fun when I saw the scene described in my mind’s eyes :) . It must have been amazing!!! :D Incredible :) .
The latter anecdote reminds me Bruce Moen’s similar experiences, one of which also had played a key role on his path - here is how Bruce had described it:
“Good old, solid engineering logic led to the conclusion that there must have been some subtle, unrecognized influence upon each decision that led me to the book. As an engineer, who considered belief in such influence as a mark of borderline insanity, I was intrigued by the whole experience.” (Bruce Moen, The Afterlife Knowledge Guidebook)
“I couldn't help wondering, what were the odds I would accidentally grab this wrong book? Furthermore, what were the odds I would open this wrong book ‘at random’ and read the answer to a question I shouted in a dream two weeks before? I decided odds had nothing to do with it.” (Bruce Moen, Voyages into the Unknown)
Alongside the unicorn story told by Cynthia, I consider those cases great examples how the universe can communicate with us.
Furthermore, if You’re interested to read Cynthia’s blog, You can find more fantastic anecdotes of those type, like this one, for example:
“For many years I greeted our dog each morning by saying, ‘How are you?’ and ‘I love you!’ since we first adopted him from the animal shelter. One day, just a couple of years after we adopted him, he began saying these same things back each day to me. We both enjoy these conversations!” (Cynthia Sue Larson)
Another thing I especially like is the concept of releasing wishes - like a bird or butterfly - which I find very poetic and, therefore, inspiring - it successfully encourages me to practice this way and, even more importantly, it makes the whole thing much more comfortable, taking away the whole potential “burden of uncertainty or hope”. In other words, one can feel much better just to release their desires and let the Universe to manage all the puzzles needed to make it happen (not to confuse with resigning from all the actions You could take).
Last but not least, another interesting concept of blessing our appliances:
“It's best to bless our appliances—they do such a good job for us everyday!” (Cynthia Sue Larson)
It was an especially nice surprise to find this in the book, while my Sweetheart has been practicing this for a long time now, and successfully inspired me to participate in this approach, which I myself also consider a definitely good habit. Moreover, it always gives good feelings to have that attitude - blessing appliances, being grateful and appreciative toward them. I’m happy that Cynthia included this concept.
All of the things mentioned above I find wonderful “cherries on the top”, making the whole reading not only highly valuable and interesting, but also vividly pleasant.
Now, whether the reality shifts concept is completely new to You or not, the book brings an extra-, important value: more authenticity. There are many self-help books out there, which present their message in a spiritual manner, requiring a reader to “translate” their wisdom into everyday life. Reality Shifts is different in this respect, because it definitely sounds closer to the reality around us, maybe thanks to that it redefines the reality itself, therefore canceling the gap. Emerged in a new form, You may look at the reality as never before, therefore You become able to use it - as never before, switching from a passive observer to “the proactive chooser mode”, so to speak. Besides, it’s easier to acknowledge the message of the book, knowing that it is grounded in the modern science, which definitely gains a quantum acceleration :) .
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